
Elevation! ahem..cue the U2 song now

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Well...I went to weigh in tonight at Weight Watchers. Expecting good news. I tracked all week. I got some exercise in and I drank why did I have a slight gain? I mean is was like .4 but still it has bummed me out. I dont know what I could do differently. I am thinking that I need to eat a bigger breakfast and lunch and smaller dinner. Maybe I wasn't eating throughout the day as I was supposed to? Well I have to keep fighting...that I know! So I will just have to see what works better this week. 
I am just being honest, I am bummed. Especially when I was expecting a weight loss tonite. So that is where I am at on my weight loss adventure...a little discouraged tonight. Fight on. Right? I love getting advice, tips from people, so if you feel like sharing..well share away.


  1. Weez sometimes until your body has totally rid itself of the toxins and other things in your intestines, you don't really start to lose weight. It's almost like your body takes about two weeks to drain itself of anything that shouldn't be inside of you. Then you start to lose. Try walking for about 30 minutes every morning before you eat or drink anything. Then, eat a serving of fruit and wait another 30 minutes before you eat anything else. This prepares your metabolism for the rest of your day. Capish?

    <3 Laramie

  2. Also keep in mind that water does play a part in your weight at any given time. If you're making all those lifestyle changes, sometimes it's not going to show up in that particular number. The bigger picture is how those numbers look over time, and the other things like how strong you're getting, how much better you're sleeping, how much energy you have, how the inches and distribution of weight on your body is changing, and those things go up and down, too. Look at it as data for a longer period of time. Don't get too hung up on the scale from weigh-in to weigh-in! Good for you for keeping at it! Beginning new habits is always the hardest part!
