
Elevation! ahem..cue the U2 song now

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Whoo Hooo!

So, I was on vacation, again in the Northwoods of WI on vacation. Just love it up there, but I realize when we go to the northwoods visit with family, I always am eating! No matter what! I guess my thoughts have been "hey you are on vacation! Eat whatever you want! Even if you are not hungry!". So I was a little concerned if I would be albe to keep up with the weight watchers plan. And with no computer, as I track my points on line, I thought this is going to be hard. But I kept track on paper. And watched what I ate. I even tried to stop myself and evaluate am I really hungry of just eating! IT was good! I kept track of what I ate! And I even went on a bike ride up there...about 5 miles 2 days in a row! That is great, for me! Look at the view! Pic above!

I went to my weigh in, expecting to see either no gain no loss or at least some gain. Only to find out, I lost 2.4 pounds! That is way cool! So wow, I surprised myself! Makes ya feel good ya know! Reminds me of jumping off the end of the dock into the lake at the cabin! You can't help but feel "Yipeeee!!!". I love to watch my son jump off and have such fun and joy doing that! Anyway I hope I can keep this up! Very cool! Ya know what is wild...I am finding that now I am not even thinking about the fact that when I want a snack, I seem to be going for the yogurt of veggies! Whoo Hooo!!!

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