
Elevation! ahem..cue the U2 song now

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Put down the Zingers!

So I had gained a little according to the meeting the other night. Discouraged? Yep! You saw as I wrote about that. Yesterday I was walking by this big box of Zingers...without thinking I went to the box to get one and start eating! I stopped myself, thought about those Zingers for along time! THen I saw my friend Cheryl had sent me an email. She is doing WW too. She encouraged me (as did many others on facebook, man that helps!) She said dont eat sweets! IT was good timing too! Kinda funny. You may be wondering "Weez why then do you have Zingers in the house?" well I have a teenage son. So well he likes em in his lunch. I feel much better today. Going to use my lunch break to walk with my friend who is also doing WW. Well, good reminder, you can't do it alone! Thanks guys...and I will walk away from the Zingers, in fact I have a picture in my head of someone standing in my kitchen with a big megaphone "Weez! Put down the Zingers! Walk away from the Zingers now and no one gets Hurt"...Pretty funny picture! Whatever works right?

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