
Elevation! ahem..cue the U2 song now

Sunday, September 12, 2010


What is it about this time of year that seems to make you so tired?? I just feel exhausted all the time! I think it is getting back into the groove of school and fall in general. So even getting the time and motivation to write well has been a task on its own!

But hey, good news...last week at weight watchers weigh in I found out I had lost 3.8 pounds! That is pretty amazing coming out of the Labor day weekend! Although honestly I almost had to run away from all the food that was out at the family reunion cookout! I had one serving and would have eaten more had I not stopped and asked myself if I really needed that extra burger! So all went well!

Now for this week...well I will wait and see how I do. I gotta tell you, I know some think the idea of counting points as time consuming, and I would have been one of those people. But it is so easy! I don't have to think about it too much anymore. Simple way. I love that I can eat what I want when I want it but to remember everything has a point value. So it's all good in my book.

Now..I think I may sneak in a nap, this has made me tired again! LOL!

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