
Elevation! ahem..cue the U2 song now

Monday, September 20, 2010


So last week I went to my meeting, only to find I lost .4 oz. Really? After all that counting and watching what I eat? Glad to have found I was not alone. But I feel like I am at a stand still. Kinda frustrating. But I know I just gotta keep on counting points and eating correctly right? Sometimes I feel like in the winter that I am filling up on food that is not going anywhere, as if my body is going into "hibernation mode". So if you see stuffing food in my cheeks, totally kidding! I did get some great ideas for low point quick snacks at the meeting though! Trader Joe's has these chicken cilantro wantons. 5-6 of them are only  1 point! And I found some rice snacks there too that are pretty good! So that is groovy!

Well I hope to say that weight loss is on the way for me!

Have a great day!

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